BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy increases microcirculation and promotes angiogenesis

In time, skins naturally change. Microcirculation of the skin is reduced, which causes a decrease in the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the skin. Production of proteins such as collagen and elastin also decreases. Signs of healthy ageing skin include thinning, sagging, wrinkling and the appearance of age spots, and areas of dryness. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy improves the microcirculation and enhances angiogenesis (the formation and maintenance of capillaries) and as a result it can help with:

  • Restoring the natural luminosity of the face
  • Fighting dullness
  • Reducing discoloration
  • Restoring the skin glow and tone
  • Fading away blemishes

Millions of people from around the world are turning to BIOPTRON® Hyperlight for a non-invasive cosmetic procedure to enjoy a more youthful appearance. The Swiss-made BIOPTRON® has been voted the number one Anti-Aging device at the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine European Congress in Paris.

Several international medical experts have presented the effects of BIOPTRON® Therapy in Anti-Aging conferences in London, Paris, Monte-Carlo, Warsaw, and Bucharest demonstrating that BIOPTRON® ’s penetrating polarized light can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve the elasticity of the skin and help with uneven skin tone.

Clinical research has demonstrated that BIOPTRON® Hyperlight has a positive stimulating effect on specific cells in the skin known as fibroblasts, which results in the production of collagen and elastin. As a safe and non-invasive method, BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy is applied only ten minutes a day without any known side effects.

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy device can treat a 
wide range of skin problems

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight regulates skin regeneration, improving the production of collagen, elastin and fibroblasts to preserve healthy skin layers. It also improves microcirculation, increasing the healing rate and improving the skin condition. Each reparative process of the skin is further supported by a decreased risk of infections as a result of anti-inflammatory effects of BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy System.

Bioptron® Is the Recipient of the First Award for the
Best Anti-Aging Device